Jan 3, 2009

What was wrong with the site?

Hey there everybody, this is not my style to write articles on a wallpaper blog, but I do it now. First of all, Happy New Year, I hope everybody will have a great year and so on. Second, my english is not the best, so I try to explain what happened with the site recently. Okay, it's not so professional how I use this language, but It will do it's job.

A few words to feedreaders and bookmarkers: thank you for being a regular "reader" of change my desk. I wouldn't post new pics, but I know my users waiting for them, so I do post.

This site is my hobby blog. I have a nice chunk of visitors each day, and of course I try to apply different programs to earn some cash from it. (you would do the same, trust me, especially nowadays; recession, and so on and on and on...) But where the cash is, the evil (or devil sometimes) is there too. Some of you noticed (and lately myself too) that the ads on the side redirected you to other pages and asked you to buy stuff. I did not know that is happening. Google applied a gateway page with the reason this site is an attacking one.

This blog is not about harming ppl's computer, this is about sharing the love of vector. I love them, probably you do. But, back to the point, with the ads I can make some change (not much, really). This is covering some of my bills. It's a great feeling when you have a popular webpage and you can make some dollars out of it. You know, some kind of fruit of your hard work. Took me a lot of time to resize-upload-post-tag-pusblish the images. I hope you understand.

So, finally, I changed that harmful advertising company (which caused troubles in the early past) and replaced them with a new one. That means, you will probably have some popunders and a few banners instead of redirections. I checked them, in my opinion those are absolutely has no annoyance, I hope you can live with it. No more redirections, but if this happens, please let me know. Send me an email to peba0706 at gmail dotcom.

On the other hand, you should subscribe my feed at FeedBurner.

Thanks for reading, and see you browsing CMD in 2009!

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www.changemydesk.net should be seen as a collection of vector style wallpapers and visual styles but if anyone is offended by a submitted graphics of them contact me and I take it down immediately. Contact e-mail visible in the sidebar
Theme based on Vector - Cyndi by yolks.